Local SEO Agency in Manchester

Become a leading business in your area

What is local SEO and why is it important to be visible on Google Maps?

Local SEO is the optimisation process for local results in search engines. It is very important for your business or website to appear on Google Maps with up to date contact details and an address. Having up to date location and contact information means that you can target people searching for global terms such as ‘Accountant’, ‘Local SEO Agency in Manchester’ or ‘Lawyer in London’. For this type of query, Google shows a map in the search results displaying local businesses. As a result, having this information listed with your business on Google is important for local SEO success.

There is no need to spend hundreds of pounds on the Yellow Pages when you can easily get on the first page of Google’s search results using their targeted local maps section.

Our expert SEO team can create and manage your local visibility. You can maintain your strong position in your local market, not only increasing your business presence and visibility but generating more search traffic too. Get in touch now to place your business on Google Maps!

Get Listed on Google Maps

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01616 37 3070